The DeSoto Independent School District is enriched by its diversity. Opportunities to celebrate and recognize the district’s diversity create cultural wealth, empower understanding and increase the value of the people who make up the fabric of the school community. With this in mind, join DeSoto ISD as the district launches the 2022 Hispanic Heritage Month observance which will spotlight the voices of Hispanic stakeholders throughout this cultural observance.
The United States of America is known as a Melting Pot made up of immigrants who gathered to form a nation. Throughout the existence of the country, the myriad of cultures has been noted and integrated into the fabric of the country. From September 15- October 15, it is the nation's focus to celebrate the advancement, culture, and contributions of those of Hispanic and Latin descent across the nation.
This year, the 2022 Hispanic Heritage Month Observance Theme is “Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation” and focused on equity and diversity encouraging all people to ensure that all voices are represented and welcomed to help build stronger communities and a stronger nation.
Why were these dates selected?
The celebration dates begin as a week-long celebration in 1968 under the late U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson. The week evolved into a month under the late U.S. President Ronald Reagan in 1988 as the population of Hispanic and Latin Americans increased in the United States.
The celebration dates are not just happenstance but are chosen to commemorate a set of specific dates and observances of the Hispanic and Latin Culture in America. The observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month specifically highlights Americans who immigrated from nations of Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, and South, and Central America.
September 15 - the independence anniversary of Latin American countries El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras
How Will DeSoto ISD Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?
Over the years, the Hispanic and Latino culture has grown in the United States and also in the DeSoto community. This year, the DeSoto ISD, the students, staff, and stakeholders will participate in the weekly observance of activities that increase knowledge and awareness of the contributions of the Hispanic and Latin communities.
Additionally, students will participate in Literary, Art Competitions centered around this month of cultural awareness.
District staff will also help students make connections through a social tile campaign that shares their cultural experience and background.
Campuses will also participate in front office decorating contests.
We are also highlighting DeSoto ISD employees and who are Hispanic or Latino this month.
The DeSoto School Community encourages all stakeholders to partake in this month of cultural celebration.
Student Writing Contest- student entries are due to ISC on Friday, September 23, and judging will take place September 26-30. Winners will be announced on September 30. Guidelines here.
Student Art Contest- student entries are due to ISC on September 30 and judging will take place October 4-7. Winners will be announced on October 7. Guidelines here.
School Front Office Door Decor Contest- All decor must be completed by Friday, October 7. Judging will take place October 10-14. Winners will be announced on October 14. Guidelines here.
School Bulleting Board Contest- All decor must be completed by Friday, October 7. Judging will take place October 10-14. Winners will be announced on October 14. Guidelines here.