The DeSoto Independent School District will host a job fair to hire staff for the 2023-2024 academic year from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, August 9, 2023, in the DeSoto ISD Belt Line Conference Center located behind the district’s administration building at 200 East Belt Line Road in DeSoto, TX.
DeSoto ISD is looking to hire premiere talent for the following key positions:
- Teachers
- Special Education
- Elementary EC-6
- Middle School ELAR (English Language Arts & Reading)
- Secondary Science
- Secondary Math
- Educational Aides
- and Special Education Inclusion Aides
The starting salary for teachers is $58,500, with stipend opportunities for some bilingual, special education, and tutoring positions. DeSoto ISD pays $410 towards the employee’s medical benefits, which equates to 100 percent of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas’ monthly premium.
“In DeSoto ISD, we pride ourselves in immersing students in the Triple-A Experience - academics, athletics, and the arts,” said DeSoto ISD Superintendent of Schools Dr. Usamah Rodgers. “We understand the unforgettable impact excellent educators have on students and are looking for passionate professionals ready to roll up their sleeves and make a difference for our scholars.”
In addition to the district’s hiring efforts for certified teaching professionals, DeSoto ISD will also conditionally hire teachers-in-residence and teacher interns.
“Teachers in Residence are individuals who are currently working to obtain their teaching credentials through an alternative certification program,” said DeSoto ISD Recruitment and Retention Coordinator Dr. Elexia Robinson-White. “They would be considered ‘hired’ under the ‘Teacher in Residence’ designation.” White notes that this program is to support individuals looking to transition into the teaching industry.
Support for this role includes new teacher academy, examination preparation, campus mentor support, and district professional development opportunities,” said White. The Teacher Intern Program is a new initiative of DeSoto ISD. Individuals interested in teaching can get exposure to the field if selected for this program. The intern program is for recent college graduates who did not major in education but desire to teach.
DeSoto ISD will partner interns with an alternative certification program and provide development opportunities. At the end of the internship, participants must receive their Statement of Eligibility before being considered for any teaching positions.