The school community is invited to attend the DeSoto Independent School District Board of Trustees bimonthly, in-person Town Hall on Wednesday, September 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the Instructional Support Center Boardroom at 200 E. Beltline Road in DeSoto.
The town hall is an opportunity for the DeISD school board to present its goals for the upcoming school year and engage with the community. As aligned with the Board’s intent to provide regular updates and interactive discussions to the school community per the district’s CAP plan, the forum is held as an installment in a series of bi-monthly town halls to be facilitated by the Board.
This month’s town hall will cover board goals and student outcomes as well as provide updates on developments regarding future planning and opportunities for students and the school community. Additionally, it will include a campus student spotlight and some district highlights.
Following the Board’s informational agenda items, attendees can pose questions regarding the meeting’s agenda items live and in real-time to dialogue with board members in this public forum series.
Those who cannot attend the in-person town hall forum are invited to view it online at
The DeSoto ISD Board of Trustees regularly meet twice a month and host town hall meetings bimonthly. The schedule of the regular board meetings and the current agenda for the September Town Hall is posted on the Board of Trustees webpage on the DeSoto ISD website,